Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Merry!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my friends and fellow bloggers. This year we were fortunate to be able to come home for the holidays for some rest and relaxation, good food, games, family, friends, and non-stop Christmas music. Check out my baby nephew, Jackson, who stole the show.

Have you made any New Year's Resolutions? This year I am renewing my "baking bread" resolution from last year. I got as far as baking naan, which has yeast (so it counts), but I never made an actual classic loaf of bread.

I'm also going to

1. sign up and train for a half marathon
2. make tofu from scratch
3. do a detox
4. improve my capacity to remember people's names
5. be funnier

What are some of yours?


  1. Happy new year! I'd love to hear about your tofu making adventures. I'd like to try it myself someday. (Have you tried Mark Bittman's no knead artisan bread recipe? It's pretty good and not too stressful.)

  2. I am hoping to run a half-marathon too! When are you looking to do it? Would you want to do one together?
