Monday, October 26, 2009

Let the color schemes arrive!

Fall is finally here and I am falling in love with it all over again. I can't wait to carve pumpkins with my hubby and christen his electric pumpkin carver (a Christmas present from my mom). Unfortunately he has been sick lately so we had to cancel our plans of bike ride in the countryside with friends and a costume party. FYI, after a restful weekend he is feeling much better.

I found these beautiful carved pumpkins on Sarah Klassen's design blog.

I'm also going to make these pumpkin cupcakes (spotted on Cup of Jo) for my Russian class on Friday. It will be my last day. I'm going to miss those knuckleheads. (I'm pretty sure they don't read this blog).

Halloween Cat by Hot Boxer via Rocket Out. Pumpkins by James Baigrie via Sarah Klassen Haute Design. Cupcake picture and recipe by Patent and the Pantry via Cup of Jo.


  1. Those pumpkins are gorgeous! I always wish I could create those Martha Stewart-esque pumpkin masterpieces, but even your basic jack-o-lantern is outside my skill level.

    P.S.Your blog is great (and I love your header), thanks for stopping by yesterday!
