We've got some catching up to do!
This first picture was taken a few weekends ago during a promotional sailing lesson. If you live on the East Coast of America, you wouldn't believe how nice the weather still is in Israel. Although we loved the lesson and were inspired by the skipper's "Do you have a dream of sailing to Greece?" pitch, we need more time to think about it before we commit the time and money for certification lessons.

Last week a friend from A-100 came for a visit, which was a great excuse to go out to our favorite restaurants and try some new ones. We loved showing her our city and hearing about her experiences at her post. Here we are with a group of friends at a winery in the Judean hills.

I know you're dying to hear what we were for Halloween this year! We decided to go as the characters from the movie Drive. David's jacket turned out great, and I wore a blonde wig to be Carey Mulligan. Unfortunately, no one here had seen the movie.

Lastly, we ran another 10K. Remember the Nike Night Run we ran last year? I wasn't as sore or tired after the race this year--which either means I ran slower or I am in better shape. I'm going with the latter option and setting my sights higher: Half marathon anyone?
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